- He knows how to keep his mouth shut. 他知道怎样保持沉默。
- How to keep the house clean drove the mother to her wit's end for she had three naughty children at home all day. 有三个淘气的孩子天天在家,如何使房子保持干净使妈妈一筹莫展。
- He knows how to keep under a cough. 他知道怎样预防咳嗽。
- Do you know how to keep this kind of mud material? 你知道怎样保存这种泥浆药品吗?
- Find out how to keep your home bug free. 发现怎么使你的家没有害虫。
- How to ask question? How to keep a conversation? 怎样问问题,怎样进行谈话?
- That woman does not know how to keep house. 那女人不知道怎么持家。
- How to keep basic fairness during judicial ADR? 在司法ADR中如何保持基本的公正?
- Could you give me some tips as to how to keep fit? 你能给我一些关于如何保持身体健康的建议吗?
- Can you give me some tips as to how to keep fit? 你能给我一些关于如何保持身体健康的指导么?
- And so I say, that the records show that we know how to keep the peace, to keep it without surrender. 所以我说,历史证明,我们懂得如何去维护和平,并且不需要投降。
- Knowing how to keep your body healthy takes training. 要经过训练才能知道怎样保持身体健康。
- It is important to know how to sell yourself. 知道如何向面谈者推销自己是重要的。
- And if you want to keep your computer and everything you've got stored on it safe, you have to know how to protect yourself against viruses. 如果你想让你的电脑及你储存在里边的一切数据都安全,你必须知道如何防止病毒破坏。
- Problems with asserting yourself have always been an issue;you're on the cusp of either learning how to be more aggressive or learning to keep your aggressions in check. 火星落在宫尾不幸的度数,说明你在表达自己的主张时会遇到问题,你需要学习的要么是如何更果断地表达自己的主张,要么是如何才能变得不那么咄咄逼人。
- A good driver knows how to use tire traction to keep steady. 一个好的车手知道如何使用轮胎抓地力来保持稳定。
- The second problem is how to keep the door to the EU ajar. 其次,怎样让通往欧盟的大门微微的开着。
- How to Keep Fit It is obvious that we should keep fit. 引出话题,要保持健康。
- Diary n. He doesn't know how to keep a diary in English. 他不知道怎么用英语记日记。
- Those afflicted with the stark problem of how to keep on living. 受维持生计的严酷问题困扰的那些人们。